Fitness Friday: Motivation

My 12-week half-marathon training plan began January 10 but, oops, I started cleansing on January 16.  Don’t get me wrong. You can work out when cleansing, I just happen to lose my desire to do so.  The first part of the cleanse I’m a bit lethargic and have low-energy. When does my energy bounce back? Usually over the weekend that I’m either fasting (Master Cleanse) for three days, or, in the case during this cleanse, juicing and eating small, raw meals. Not easy (or recommended) to work out when fasting!

Throw in a few snow and ice storms, the most recent a 14 – 16 inch dump on January 27,

and the result?  Not much training.

Here’s what I’ve eeked out:

Week 1: Mission accomplished.  Two 3-miles runs and one 4-mile run and one day of cross-training.
Week 2: Oops, started cleansing and we had a(nother) snow storm.  One 3-mile run and one 4-mile run. That was it.  Not good
Week 3: Better.  Two 3.5 mile runs, one circuit training (cardio/weights) and I plan to run 5 miles (outside, finally) this weekend— because my treadmill threshold is super-low.

I’m not concerned about the slow start.  I’m following a novice half-marathon training and the mileage these first few weeks are equal to (or less than) my usual weekly mileage.  But now is the time to buckle down and get serious. It’s time to honor each workout in the training plan.

The biggest challenge for me has been the weather.

Five years ago my husband and I were training for the Country Music Marathon.

db, JL and Lisa in Nashville

The build for the April marathon was in February and March.  I recall a February snow storm on a Friday — dumped with 12 -15 inches of snow. The next day the temps dropped to 7 degrees (-15 windchill) yet we bundled up and went out for a 12-mile run. My balaclava was frozen over my mouth. My legs ached from climbing over snow mounds.  I was motivated. Cold temperatures and over a foot of snow could not stop me.

I’m not that motivated right now.  I need to beat this case of outside-running-aversion.  So…

…I did what any unmotivated athlete would do when belly-aching about lack of motivation. At the same time that I was writing this post I signed up for a July triathlon. That’s how I roll.

How’s your winter training/exercise motivation?